2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

The Union of Designers and Architects has prepared a special business programme dedicated to design during New Year holidays which will take place within the framework of the XI international exhibition Christmas Box. Podarki. One of the master-classes of the programme on the topic “Restaurant methods of laying the New Year table at home” will be held by Igor Belyaev on February 28, 2019.

All relevant trends of the industry of household goods, goods for country life and interior will be discussed by leading experts at the international exhibitions HouseHold Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts, Christmas Box. Podarki and Dacha Outdoor at Crocus Expo IEC. Over 20 experts taking part in the programme of the exhibitions have already sent us the topics of their presentations.

International trade exhibitions for wholesale and retail buyers of the market of kitchenware, household goods and interior objects HousеHold Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts and Сhristmas Box. Podarki, occupying a space of over 20 000 sq.m., took place from September 11 to 13, 2018, at Crocus Expo IEC, Moscow. As compared to 2017, the number of professional visitors has increased by 10%, the exhibition was visited by approximately 10 000 specialists from 40 countries of the world, 80 regions of Russia and CIS countries.

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Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
115114 Москва, Летниковская ул., д.10, стр.4;
тел.:  +7 (495) 363-50-32    e-mail:  info@styhome.ru
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