2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Within the framework of the cycle of master-classes and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” of the business programme at the international exhibition HouseHold Expo 2019 which will take place from February 27 to March 1 at Crocus Expo IEC, Alexey Babushkin will present a seminar “How to turn customers into friends, and friends – into customers”.

A new topic in the cycle of master-classes and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” which take place within the framework of International exhibitions HouseHold Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts, Christmas Box. Podarki and Dacha Outdoor will be How to avoid deficit and non-liquid products: risk management at the stage of calculating the order.

The cycle of master-classes and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” in spring 2019 will gather over 20 experts in the sphere of sales, merchandising, branding, marketing and private label. Master-classes and seminars are held every year within the framework of International exhibitions HouseHold Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts, Christmas Box. Podarki and Dacha Outdoor.

On February 28 general director of Step by Step Group of Companies Anastasia Ptukha will present the topic “Market of New Year products, tendencies and forecasts” for specialists on the market of New Year and festive products, gifts and souvenirs within the framework of the 11th International exhibition Christmas Box-Podarki 2019. Participation in the event is free after an online registration.

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Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
115114 Москва, Летниковская ул., д.10, стр.4;
тел.:  +7 (495) 363-50-32    e-mail:  info@styhome.ru
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