2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

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HouseHold Expo autumn 2018. First results

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548 companies from 16 countries of the world took part in the exhibition and displayed over 760 regional and national brands. Apart from Russia, national expositions were presented by Belorussia, China, the Czech Republic, Egypt, France, India, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Poland, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraine.

The international exhibition HouseHold Expo is always the key showcase of the current season in the industry of household goods, gifts and interior objects, a demonstration of the latest ideas and trends from leading world-famous brands. At HouseHold Expo buyers and retailers find promising (in terms of customer demand) goods for future sales.

This year participants displayed thousands of novelties at their booths during the running of the exhibition. Buyers were most interested in the products of manufacturers that presented their novelties, collections and premieres on the web-site www.expo-retail.ru before the start of the exhibition. 42 companies took part in the new project of HouseHold Expo and presented 340 novelties, over 80% of which are premieres.

The project www.expo-retail.ru, which has been created especially for participants and visitors of the exhibitions, is a new interaction platform for manufacturers and buyers that opens additional possibilities for product promotion for the players on the market of household goods.

The key events of the business programme were the traditional conferences on regional retail, design and sales. 980 specialists visited the Day of Regional Retail, the Day of Design and the Day of Internet Sales which included 40 master-classes, seminars and conferences this year. Within the framework of the business programme a new industry mass medium for FMCG experts – “HozTorg” magazine was presented.

Organizers: MOKKA Expo Group LLC, InterDeco Expo LLC, Group of Companies “Mayer J Group” and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The exhibitions are organized with the official support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

About the company: Group of Companies “Mayer J Group” is a member of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI). For more than 20 years the company organizes professional B2B exhibitions and congress events. Nowadays the company holds 8 international exhibition projects, business forums and conferences every year. Mayer J Group exhibitions are held with the official support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

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Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
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