Exhibition News

Country house: designer + customer. How to make the cooperation fruitful and pleasant?

Within the framework of the business programme “KALEIDOSCOPE OF OUTDOOR LIFE” of the international exhibition DACHA OUTDOOR 2019 the East-West design bureau team will hold the master-class “Country house: designer+customer”.

What does a chain store need private labels for? Find out at HouseHold Expo-2019

As part of the cycle of master-classes and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” Alexander Anfinogenov, independent expert of the FMCG market, will speak on the topical issue of FMCG:

8 sales tools in retail business

On February 27, 2019, Alexey Ryazantsev will hold a master-class “8 sales tools in retail business” at Crocus Expo IEC. The programme of the master-class will include:

New topic of the business programme at HouseHold Expo-2019

Within the framework of the cycle of master-classes and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” of the business programme at the international exhibition HouseHold Expo 2019 which will take place from February 27 to March 1 at Crocus Expo IEC, Alexey Babushkin will present a seminar “How to turn customers into friends, and friends – into customers”.