Exhibition News

Spring premieres and novelties of Christmas Box. Podarki-2021 exhibition

The product sector of New Year products, gifts and souvenirs will include artificial fir trees and synthetic pine needles, New Year decorations, tinsel, garlands, festive décor, goods for carnivals and celebrations, festive illumination and pyrotechnics and festive gift wrapping.

Premieres and novelties of HouseHold Expo, ChemiCos, Christmas Box. Podarki, Outdoor Dacha and Stylish Home spring 2021 exhibitions

We invite you to learn about premieres and novelties from the participants of HouseHold Expo, ChemiCos, Christmas Box. Podarki, Outdoor Dacha and Stylish Home spring 2021 international exhibitions. You may also take a look at the exhibitor list and brands to be showcased at the booths.

Dear participants and visitors of HouseHold Expo 2022 exhibition!

QR system has been eliminated in Moscow and Moscow region. To enter the exhibition it is necessary to wear a mask.

Based on Recommendations on holding of COVID-19 preventive measures, developed by Rospotrebnadzor and approved by the chief sanitary officer of the Russian Federation Anna Popova,  in order to avoid proliferation of COVID-19, visitors must comply with preventive measures, as follows: