Exhibition News

Terrace design trends

For the first time within the framework of the international exhibition Outdoor Dacha-2020 Maria Sulimova will conduct a seminar “Terrace design trends. What products are needed in order to make it stylish and functional.” The event will take place on March 25, 2020, at Crocus Expo IEC.

New business programme from ArchDialog at Stylish Home. Gifts-2020

Within the framework of the Day of Design to take place on March 24 at the international exhibition Stylish Home. Gifts-2020 ArchDialog will present a new business programme. Topics for discussion:

Increasing sales of homewares

The business programme of HouseHold Expo spring 2020 exhibition will include a new workshop by Dmitry Rusakov, expert in increasing sales, which will take place on March 24, 2020. The topic of the workshop will be “How to develop and implement an action plan to increase sales of homewares”. Key topics of the presentation:

Product range management. Practices and methods for independent retail and retail suppliers

“Modern methods of product range management is the key to success both for independent retail and for retail suppliers” will be the topic of a new presentation by Ilya Uvarov, Chairperson of the Board of Consumer Association “Academy of Cooperation,” at HouseHold Expo spring 2020.