2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Novelties and premieres of kitchenware for meal preparation at HouseHold Expo autumn-2019

Lion Trade (hall 9, booth №S502) – participant of the contest HouseHold Russia Award-2019

SNIPS s.r.l (hall 10, booth №L403)

BAF (hall 11, booth №А304)

MANROK EXPORT & IMPORT (hall 11, booth №C1102)

SIMAOPT (hall 11, booth №D801)

GVURA (hall 11, booth №C1201)

Regent Rus (hall 11, booth №C401)

Kukmorsky Metalware Factory (hall 11, booth №B401)

Taller (hall 11, booth №D402)

AT-holding (hall 11, booth №C601)

Stella (hall 11, booth №E502)

GORNITSA (hall 11, booth №D703)

Smart cookware (hall 11, booth №B702)

SANTEKS (hall 11, booth №A203)

Kerch metallurgical plant (hall 11, booth №A303)

Domostroy (hall 11, booth №С402)

MECHTA (hall 11, booth №А603, B502)

Daniks (hall 11, booth №D902)

Nasha Maysternya (hall 11, booth №D1103)

HomeMaster (hall 11, booth №A403)

Guffman (hall 11, booth №E403)


BAF (hall 11, booth №А304) and Kukmorsky Metalware Factory (hall 11, booth №B401) will offer discounts of 20% and 10% respectively on individual terms during the running of the exhibition.

All discounts for buyers at the booths of participating companies

All premieres and novelties of the exhibitions

September 10-12, 2019, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11


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