2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Cooperation between constructors and designers of a trading company

Participants of the workshop will discuss benefits from the “Collaboration of developers/constructors, interior and landscape designers of a trading company”. The event will be interesting for developers, constructors, architectural bureaus and designers of a trading company. The programme will include:

  • How to increase the loyalty of customers with the help of interior and landscape design;
  • Which issues a designer can solve;
  • Which moment is the best to contact a designer;
  • What goods should be bought for the best and most beautiful landscape interior.


Speaker: Ekaterina Pechatkina

Head of InTree studio of interior and landscape design

Landscape architect, phytodesigner, florist, interior designer

Graduate of the Moscow State Forest University, faculty of landscape architecture, engineer with the specialization “Garden, park and landscape construction”. Advanced training at the Moscow Metropolitan Governance University “Urban policy – objectives and implementation mechanisms”, various trainings and educational courses. Student of the Moscow Architectural Institute since 2018. Honorable member of the Union of Designers and Architects since 2019. Work experience in the sphere of urban improvement and landscaping since 2006.



March 24-26, 2020, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11

Participation in the event is free after an on-line registration.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Household Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts,

Christmas Box and Outdoor Dacha – 
the biggest Russian B2B exhibitions of household goods, good for country life and gifts!


Business programme producer
Galina Shevchenko, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
+7 (910) 426-01-61, +7 (495) 363-50-32

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Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
115114 Москва, Летниковская ул., д.10, стр.4;
тел.:  +7 (495) 363-50-32    e-mail:  info@styhome.ru
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