2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

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Updates in the programme of the Day of Regional Retail

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Among speakers are Natalia Marova, Maria Yashenkova, Valentina Filatova, Lyudmila Karnyushkina, Amina Gayfullina, Yulia Dmitrieva, Ekaterina Buzukova, Andrey Fatov, Elena Stolyarskaya, Asya Barysheva, Natalia Novoselova and Elena Naumchik.

Part I “Sales trends in the sphere of household goods: analysis and pratice”


Customer’s route. What the store manager does not see

Speaker: Natalia Marova, head of Retail.ru


Trends of 2019-2020 in sales of household goods. What research says

Speaker: Maria Yashenkova, CEO of Bright Consulting


Sector of household goods in the sales system of DIY stores

Speaker: Valentina Filatova, product range director at “Kenguru” company


Development of the household sector in a regional trade network

Speaker: Lyudmila Karnyushkina, head of the division of marketing and product range management at “Evropa” trade network


Technologies of kitchenware sales at points of sales. 7 key tools of Effective sales

Speaker: Amina Gayfullina, development director at “Kukmorsky Metalware Factory” JSC, KUKMARATM


 Prize raffle from Retail.ru and partners among the audience


Coffee break


Part II “Sales in a store: strategy and tactics. 7 checklists for implementation”


Mistakes in price positioning of a store. How does it influence sales?

Speaker: Yulia Dmitrieva, head of JD.Expert – marketing agency of breakthrough business solutions. Marketer, analyst, business development consultant. Specialisation of the agency – Central Asian countries


How to work without discounts? How to find the solution with the help of category management?

Speaker: Ekaterina Buzukova, independent consultant in product range management, business coach


Workshop: “Sales at the counter – a gold mine”

Speaker: Andrey Fatov, business coach in B2c sales, head of education centre for trade networks “Mir”


How to become irreplaceable for the customer? Development of extra services with the help of shop assistants

Speaker: Elena Stolyarskaya, head of the “School of customer service” project


Prize raffle from Retail.ru and partners among the audience


Coffee break


Part III “Sales in a store: strategy and tactics. 7 checklists for implementation”


Management of sales quality: how to increase sales sixteenfold

Speaker: Asya Barysheva, partner of the project “Systematic sales”


How to increase the efficiency of a store

Speaker: Natalia Novoselova, head of consulting group “Super-Roznitsa”


Loyalty programmes. How to use the tools of your automatization system and return your customers?

Speaker: Elena Naumchik, member of Customer Strategy Network – international professional association of specialists in the sphere of customer service and loyalty programmes. Co-founder of the Association of customer loyalty and client centricity

All discounts for buyers at the booths of participating companies

All premieres and novelties of the exhibitions

Nominees of the contest HouseHold Russia Award-2019

September 10 – 12, 2019, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11


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