2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

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Touching marketing. How do products with a logo promote the company brand

  • According to a research conducted by the Russian Association of Communication Agencies in 2018, the industry of promotional products generated the turnover of 24 billion Russian rubles.
  • Souvenir products were ranked 4th among advertising channels.
  • Corporate gift products were ranked the first in terms of cost per one contract with a customer.
  • The average service life of promotional products is 3 months which makes products with a logo the most lasting channel of interaction with clients.
  • Souvenir products are the most perfect means of collaboration with SMM.

Speaker: Anton Vert, VertComm ltd


Anton Vert, VertComm ltd, is an expert in the sphere of the use of promotional products and corporate gifts in companies’ marketing. Owner of advertising and souvenir company VERTCOMM.RU – the leading company in providing services to the IT, Media and banking industries. Founder of the biggest community of the promotional industry – Gifts Club. Regular author of publications on rb.ru, vc.ru, cableman.ru, event.ru. Speaker about such business topics as touching marketing, barter marketing and no-budget marketing.

About the company:

VERTCOMM.RU advertising and souvenir company has been manufacturing and supplying promotional products, advertising textiles and corporate business gifts since 2007. The company provides IT, TV and Digital companies with branded products. Among regular clients of VertComm are Mail.Ru Group, Rambler&Co, Skolkovo, Wargaming.net, Parallels, WebMoney, Sony Pictures Televisio, Viasat Group. The product range of Vertcomm: 45 pieces of ready products, individual tailoring of textiles and production of souvenirs on demand, supplies from China, Europe and Russia.


September 10 – 12, 2019, Crocus Expo Centre, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11, Moscow, Russia

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