2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Decorator techniques in interior design


b112:00 – 12:40

How to create a long-lasting interior. Styles which will always be relevant

Svetlana Ilyina – interior designer, head of a design studio




b212:50 – 13:30

Trends in New Year décor of private and public spaces in 2018-2019

Victoria Pashinskaya – interior designer








b313:40 – 14:20

How to create a unique interior with a limited budget

Alena Gorskaya – interior designer








b414:30 – 15:10

Textiles in the interior: at which stage of the refurbishment should you start thinking about curtains?

Evgeniya Krivosheeva – head of a textile studio


b515:20 – 16:00

Storage spaces. How to perfectly plan and design space, to choose furniture

Tatiana Skvortsova – head of furniture and design studio “Deni Art”



b616:10 – 16:50

Colour and light in the interior

Elena Lagutina – interior designer, head of a design studio



b717:00 – 18:00

How can seasonal décor increase store’s traffic and the average bill. Practical cases

Anastasiya Kasparyan – interior designer, head of a public interior design studio




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Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
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