2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

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10 mistakes in communication with clients. Let us discuss them at HouseHold Expo!

The information which will be discussed at the seminar is mainly important for business owners, founders, general directors, commercial directors, sales directors, heads and managers of sales divisions.

Among topics for discussion are:

  • 5 important points of growth which are available for 97% of companies.
  • When does a client “come down”? When is it better to call and how often?
  • Are you losing clients? – Let us search for the 10 critical mistakes in communication with clients in your company.
  • How to optimize communication with clients in order to keep 9 out of 10 clients.
  • 15 tools which will increase sales by 25% thanks to the right communication.
  • Tools for implementation.

Speaker: Alexey Ryazantsev

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  • business consultant, business coach, among TOP-10 coaches specializing in sales division development in Russia;
  • author of 9 books, including the bestseller “How to increase the efficiency of your sales division in 50 days;
  • coached over 7800 business leaders during his training seminars;
  • expert of federal magazines “Profession director”, “Commercial director” (over 30 articles published);
  • worked with over 180 companies;
  • around 100 reviews about his work are on Youtube and on official letters;
  • speaker of dozens of Russian and international forums, exhibitions and seminars.








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Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
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