2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Trends. How to integrate the fashionable into your interior

The audience of the presentation on the topic “Trends. How to integrate the fashionable into your interior” will have a chance to understand how to make their interior up-to-date and stylish with the help of colours, materials, furniture and decorations.

Speaker: Olga Ugur


Olga Ugur is an architect and interior designer with 14 years of work experience. In 2006 she graduated from Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Art. Advanced training in the HoReCa sphere in Mailand (Italy). Author of a unique method “Interior – TRANSFORMER”. Honorary Member of the Union of Designers and Architects. Coach at Leroy Merlin Institute of Design. Wide experience in construction, took part in the development and implementation of such project as Olympic objects of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Sochi, the State Border Guard Service in Ashgabat, the President’s office. A variety of implemented objects in Russia and abroad: in Turkmenistan, Turkey and the Republic of Belarus. Regular speaker at industry exhibitions and business programmes related to construction, real estate, architecture and design in Moscow and other cities of Russia. Her philosophy is: I want to live in a beautiful country with people who enjoy beauty, which is why I try to create beautiful buildings and spaces around myself.



March 23 – 25, 2021, Moscow, “Crocus Expo” IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11

Participation in the event is free after an online registration.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Household Expo, ChemiCos,

Stylish Home. Gifts, Christmas Box and Dacha Outdoor
the biggest Russian B2B exhibitions of household goods, country life products and gifts!



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