2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Workshop “Fighting for the customer: how to increase sales by increasing the number of customers in the new reality”

  • Key factors that affect the customer’s choice of a store after the crisis.
  • Contact points: what needs to be done in order to turn them into customer acquisition points in the new reality.
  • Customer acquisition channels: where to search for your target customers today.
  • Customer’s route: what new tools need to be used at each level.
  • Factors that affect customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Profit maximisation with the help of loyalty programmes.
  • Partnership programme: increasing sales with the help of partners.

The workshop will be held within the framework of the business programme of HouseHold Expo international exhibition to take place from September 15 to 17, 2020, at Crocus Expo IEC.

Speaker: Irina Krechetova

Irina Krechetova

Irina Krechetova – business coach, expert in complex business development

  • Over 18 years of experience in consulting and management;
  • Over 19 years of practical experience in sales and marketing;
  • Over 76 implemented projects in the sphere of creating and developing sales and marketing systems;
  • Launch and development of 3 Internet shops with a total turnover of 250 mln. rubles a year;
  • Creator of the course “Sales management” of the MBA programme at the Moscow Business School;
  • Lecturer at the Caspian School of Business. Course “Sales management”;
  • The best speaker of METRO EXPO 2017;
  • Creator of the course “Evaluation of shop performance” for franchisees of Metro Cash&Carry Russia.

Novelties and premieres of the exhibition

September 15-17, 2020, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11

Participation in the event is free after an online registration.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Household Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts and Christmas Box. Podarki – the biggest Russian B2B exhibitions of household goods, country life products and gifts!


Business programme producer

Galina Shevchenko, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

+7 (910) 426-01-61, +7 (495) 363-50-32

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Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
115114 Москва, Летниковская ул., д.10, стр.4;
тел.:  +7 (495) 363-50-32    e-mail:  info@styhome.ru
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