2 – 4 сентября 2024 г.  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Not long till autumn HouseHold Expo

This autumn HouseHold Expo will present the participants who could not exhibit this spring, so the sectors of household chemistry and country life products will be especially diverse. Spring premieres of the participants uploaded on the website www.expo-retail.ru are relevant*.

Novelties of household chemistry and personal care products will be displayed at the booths of such companies as Aromika, Bashkhim, Best Paper, Comfort Paper Industrial Complex, Global Himi, La Mamma, Nefis Cosmetics, Poisk, Poliservis and Efko. Voronezh Oblast Business Assistance Centre will bring the collective exposition of regional household chemistry manufacturers.

The exposition of Christmas Box. Podarki international exhibition will be unusually extensive. Visitors who only attend in autumn will have a chance to meet the participants who only exhibit in spring. We are confident that these meetings will have very fruitful results. The exhibition of New Year products and souvenirs will present Eli Peneri, Remeco Club, Batik, Vitus, KazKom, Korsar, Lavka Zabavka, Plastindustry, Feniks Present and Elita. Among first-time participants of Christmas Box. Podarki one will find RusKonfeta, Optigrushka, Kosarev IE and RutaUpak.

The exposition of HouseHold Expo itself is impressive like never before. Despite the forced standstill our partners are making plans for the future, and the participation in our exhibitions is an important step of these plans. Among companies that will have guaranteed new contacts with suppliers are Eurogold, GidGlass, JLU Technologies Ltd, Mayer Boch, Pasebahce, PetitJardin, Anna Lafarg, Arc Distribution Russia, ASD, AT-holding, Bezant, Prior Group, Bytplast, Vectra Household, Veles, VioletPlast, ES, Intes, Kwik&Klin, Korall, Non-Stick, Pilot MS, Plastic Republic, Plast Team, Posuda Lux, Posudaplus, Ravex, Ronex, Sakura Electronics Group, StarExpo, Hoffmann Group, Elan Gallery, Emal and many others.

Among first-time participant of HouseHold Expo and Stylish Home & Gifts will be such companies as Koopman, Plastima, MAGAMAX, Istoc Factory, DM NIKLEN, Hermes Trade House.

National expositions and foreign participants from the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Morocco, Latvia, the Netherlands, Turkey and Ukraine will present their premieres and international innovations. There will be many curious and new products and events waiting for the suppliers at the exhibitions. Apart from the booth of Voronezh Oblast Business Assistance Centre, Russian regions will also be presented by expositions from the Republic of Tatarstan, Pskov Oblast and Ural Federal District.

To date, over 500 companies have confirmed their participation in our September expositions. 4 months before the start, 80% of the exhibition space is already occupied. We are preparing special programmes to make the participation of our exhibitors and retailers even more efficient. We are confident that autumn HouseHold Expo, Christmas Box, Podarki and Stylish Home & Gifts exhibitions will be a strong platform for the growth of the non-food market in the changing business situation.

*Please contact us at Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. if you are interested in the novelties of SPRING 2020 participants; we will organise direct communication with the companies.

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