Product turnover. Steps to speed it up

Product turnover. Steps to speed it up

On September 12, within the framework of the conference “Opportunities for increasing sales from the store shelf. Solutions for retailers and suppliers,”Olga Pravuk will discuss the topic Three main steps to speed up product turnover”:

  • What does the speeding up of turnover give the company?pravuk 1
  • How to uncover the reserves for speeding up the turnover
  • The main reasons for excessive stocks and low turnover
  • Events to speed up the turnover

The conference for retailers and suppliers will take place within the framework of the business programme of the exhibition HouseHold Expo on September 12 at Crocus Expo IEC.

Organizer of the conference:

Speaker: Olga Pravuk

pravurk 2Olga Pravuk, expert, business coach in the field of management of trade stocks and assortment. Head of the portal “Management of stocks & planning”.

Author and presenter of training programs: “Increasing the turnover of goods and the cost-effectiveness of the company”, “Effective management of trade stocks and assortment”, “Non-liquid products: how to uncover and neutralize”. Author of training courses on the management of assortment and stocks, including the on-line course “Management of stocks – an easy way to speak about complex things”.

More than 12 years of practical experience in logistics and procurement in such spheres as management of stocks, planning of supplies and production, warehouse, logistics, distribution and prediction of demand.

Publications in magazines: “Chief Executive Officer”, “Logistics&business”, “Distribution and logistics”, “Management news”, “Market conditions”, “Management of a shop”.