New Year’s goods of Republic of Belarus production

New Year’s goods of Republic of Belarus production

URSUS Company is the major Belorussian producer of kitchenware and decorative goods made of wood with 10 years of experience. At the International Christmas Box. Podarki spring 2022 (March 22-24, Crocus Expo) exhibition the company will present its novelties in the category of New Year’s decoration, gifts, and kitchenware:

  • New Year decoration for Christmas tree
  • New Year decorative boxes
  • Cutting boards of various forms
  • Cooking spatulas
  • Bread boxes


View the program

Press release of the exhibition

Новинки выставки

22 - 24 марта 2022, Москва, МВЦ «Крокус Экспо»

Новинки и премьеры осени на сайте


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