Alex Petunin to speak at the business program of the International Horeca. Just Horeca spring’22 Forum for the first time

Alex Petunin to speak at the business program of the International Horeca. Just Horeca spring’22 Forum for the first time

For the first time in the business program of the International Horeca. Just Horeca Forum the famous professional interior designer Alex Petunin will speak on «Technologies and materials in the interiors of restaurants: present and future. Eco-materials and technologies in HoReCa objects design. Trends of present time and future in interior design of HoReCa»


The speech will take place on March 23 at Crocus Expo in the first section of the program.

«TRENDS IN HORECA» ­­is the topic of upcoming spring International forum  Horeca. Just Horeca, which will take place on March 23 at Crocus Expo in the framework of the international exhibitions HouseHold Expo and ChemiCos-2022 and will consist of 2 sections:  

Section 1. 'Influence of interior design on public space’.

Section 2. ‘Cleaning in HoReCa. New standards of cleaning in COVID times’.



Alex Petunin is an artist in 3rd generation, master of architecture, professional interior designer with 13 years of experience, sculptor and industrial designer. He began his professional career in a big architectural bureau ‘A-Len’, and then with his associate Alexander Grigoriev he founded a design and graphics Oneione studio. Studio is engaged in architectural projects, design of interiors, items, space navigation, as well as design of web sites and logos.  Studio is specialized on big projects, uniting various spheres of design. Oneione design creates only modern minimalistic solutions at the forefront of world trends and fundamentally does not work with classics or any form of historicism.

Author of more than 20 exhibitions around the world and more than 1000 of works in the sphere of architecture, interior design, sculptures, abstract paintings, digital art, landscape, graphic, and industrial design.

In 2013 Alex was invited at the international exhibition 100% Design London, right after termination of which a table Lay_r table of Alexander’s design was sold for 5000 pound sterling.. He took part in personal and group exhibitions in Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Ljubljana, Beijing and Milan (where he got Creativity Award). He also got a prestigious A'Design Award for a collection of kids tableware designed for a customer from UAE. His works were published in Interior Design Dubai magazine, in Contemporist and Yanko Design blogs. In 2021 he was a member of the jury and author of ADD AWARDS prize design, which as well was awarded to Karim Rashid.

His own style in design Alexander determines simply: futurism. He is an admirer of new technologies, constantly follows the development of science, computers and technics, and studies new materials and ways of production, works at the interface of design of spaces, small forms and graphics.

For the interior of Mysale company office, he offered to get rid of straight lines and created amoeba – like tables. In collaboration with MisliStudio he created a cloak, carved of leather with lazer. And the cost of futuristic Alien Piano on his draft totals 1.5 billion euro.  In the list of the major customers of Oneione design, there are such companies as NCC, Gazprom, Sberbank, Expoforum, Pioneer Group, Group Etalon, Setl Group, Hilton and many others.

One more project is one of the signature buildings of Saint Petersburg – Expoforum. Alex worked on creation of graphics navigation, design of entrances, fence around the territory and logo. It is him who is a co-author of logo of Expoforum in the form of letter E with 4 lines. The form was inspired by the plan of the complex, where exhibition and congress halls united by a long lobby.

Alex actively works in the field of interior design, paints, writes electronic music, creates own furniture lines, items for home and clothes. In 2019 under the order of Odysseya shipping company with his participation Amsterdam yacht was built, you can see it in the waters of Neva River and the Gult of Finland.


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Business program producer
Galina V. Shevchenko, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+7 (910) 426-01-61, +7 (495) 363-50-32